Covid-19 – January 2021 – IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Please find below, links to important documents relating to ‘Return to School Protocols’ for January 2021:

Covid-19 – Christmas School Closure Arrangement
School Closure – Tuesday, 15th December to Friday, 18th December, 2020.
Last day of school is Monday, 14th December 2020.
At present, pupils will return to school on Wednesday, 6th January 2021.
Please click here to see attached letter.
If you require support, please contact school before midday, Monday 14th December 2020.

INSET Days 2020/21
Letter – INSET Days 2020/21

Covid-19 – Face Masks – Parents, Guardians, Visitors
Dear Parents, Guardians, Visitors,
You are kindly requested to wear face coverings when dropping off/collecting children, and when attending school for any purpose. Please see attached letter for further details.
Gareth Phillips