Croeso and welcome to our 2024-25 LSC2 class page 
Class Teacher – Mr I.Clark
Class Support – Mrs K. Evans
Our Day-
8.50-9.10 Registration and breakfast
9.10-10.30 Maths and Numeracy
10.30-10.45- Break
10.45-11 Snack
11-12 Language and Literacy (Read Write Inc)
12.20-1.10 Lunch
1.20-1.40 Assembly
1.40- 3 Mondays – Messy Mondays
Tuesday– Topic Tuesdays
Wednesday– Wellbeing Wednesday
Thursday– Thrive Thursdays
Friday– Funky Friday
3pm Home time.
PE- Our PE lessons will be taking place on a Wednesday afternoon.
What are we learning?
This year we will be continuing with our ‘Whole School Concepts’ approach to guide our learning, our current concept is ‘Belonging. We will be exploring our own belongings, where we belong to as well as similarities and differences with others. Helping to develop a sense of belonging and exploring its importance.
The children will look to develop in all of the areas of learning and experiences (Expressive Arts; Health and Well-being; Humanities; Languages, Literacy and Communication; Mathematics and Numeracy; Science and Technology) within the theme.
How to help at home
Reading- please read with your children as often as you can. Not only is it a nice activity to do together, it also helps children in multiple areas including understanding, spelling and their own reading.
Useful links and resources!
Here are some useful links for resources that can be accessed at home should you require.
Read Write Inc- Here you can find more information on Read Write Inc as well as videos. hints and tips on how to support your children at home.
Parents and Carers – Ruth Miskin Literacy
Hwb– Through the Hwb programme pupils can access software including Microsoft word, Excel and Powerpoint. A useful feature is also J2easy. Here pupils can practice both their spelling and times tables.
Hit the button– a fun game for pupils to practice their times tables.
High frequency words– If pupils would like to practice their spelling or handwriting here are a list of the first 100 high frequency words.
If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact us through ClassDojo at any time or call the school on 01639 700261.