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Nursery / Reception / Year 1 – Marchywel

Welcome to the Early Years Unit!

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back to a new academic year. We would like to introduce ourselves  as your child’s new class teacher’s. Mrs Rudge and Mr Curtis.  We are really looking forward to having your child as part of our class. Over the year, our class will be taking part in lots of exciting learning and we are looking forward to working with your child to help them continue to make progress at school. As we go through the year, please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss any concerns or queries that you may have.  Our aim is to work with you so that your child can really make the most of their time in class. Over the year we will explore lots of different concepts.  We will continue to use class dojo this year as a way of maintaining contact with Parents and sharing what we’ve been up to in class – so please do keep an eye out for this!

This term our concept is ‘belonging’.

Please see our dojo page for a welcome booklet which provides all the specific details about our class.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Rudge and Mr Curtis

The School Day 

The school times are below:

Nursery – 8:50 – 11:40

Reception and Year one – 8:50 – 15:10

How do we learn?
When the children are not working with an adult, they have access to the continuous and enhanced provision. These areas are carefully planned for and are enriched with challenges to support the skills that the children are learning. We have members of staff to nurture and support the children during their time in the continuous provision challenging, observing and asking questions. We also have a wonderful outdoor area which is part of our continuous provision.
Important information:
  • Snack – fresh fruit or vegetables to be brought to school daily please in a labelled container.  Grapes must be cut in half. Please ensure containers and drinks bottles are labelled. 
  • Please ensure all items of clothing, including shoes are labelled clearly.
Developing a love for reading…
In Progression Step 1 we aim to ignite children’s love of reading through an inviting reading corner for the children to choose books that interest them, explore how to hold stories as a reader and retell familiar stories using stick puppets and props. The children will build their early reading skills through sharing stories, songs and rhymes together, as well as building their talking and listening skills.
Read Write Inc-
We use RWI as our phonic scheme in school. Videos linked to the sounds we have taught will be shared on class do jo. Please support your child by watching the videos with them at home. Here is a video explaining more about RWI.
Welsh Words, Phrases and Songs
Bore da – Good Morning
Prynhawn da – Good Afternoon
 Pwy wyt ti? Who are you?  ………..ydw i
Sut wyt ti? How are you? Dw i’n ……………
hapus – happy, trist – sad, wedi blino – tired, braf – fine.
Pa llw ? What Colour ? ( colour of rainbow song)
Dyma’r Llaeth – Here is milk, Dyma’r Dwr – Here is water.
Diolch – Thank you , Diolch yn fawr – Thank you very much.
Sut Mae’r tywydd heddiw? What is the weather like today?  Mae hi’n …….  It is …….
heulog – sunny, bwrw glaw – raining, wyntog – windy, oer – cold, poeth – hot, stormus – stormy, braf – fine, gymylog – windy

School Nurse Information – School Nurse Service – School Health Review – Child Measurement Programme